Friday Jan 17


The majority of the information has been gathered from company records and meeting minutes.  Additional information has come from old newspaper clippings and from the Town of Saratoga Historian's work.

Please forward any additional information, comments, questions, etc. to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and additions, corrections or clarifications will be made to the page.

Broad St. & Ferry St. 1910


General Schuyler Steamer Company 1912














D.A. Bullard Hose Company, early 1900's

Display # 
1 175th Anniversary Schuylerville Fire Department – Changes over the Years Administrator 13694
2 Schuylerville Fire Department 1836 Administrator 13508
3 SHC Reorganized November 16, 1953 Administrator 13040
4 History of Schuylerville Fire Service Administrator 13492